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  • Writer's pictureJessica G

Famous in my Father's eyes.

Famous in my Father's eyes. I had an interesting meeting yesterday with guests at the Storybook house. The guests wanted to meet me so I was able to catch a time yesterday. As soon as I entered the house I could her the women across the house say "Is it her?". She rushed into the room with her hand out to shake mine. She was bursting with delight that she could hardly contain herself telling me how much she appreciated the house full of Faith. She said you can just feel it. It was all the little things. But not overwhelming or pushed on in anyway. Hearing their stories was amazing for my soul.

It was God telling me to keep going. How I know it was Him you ask? I have had scarves, mittens and hats in front closet since we have opened. Not once that I know of has anyone used a scarf. But this is exactly what she needed. And was delighted to see one. One week earlier, I was thinking about taking them out since I thought no one had ever used. Little did I know God was going to be showing me how He is using my gifts and talents. And how we need to prepare for what is to come and be patient. The time will come.

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